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Delete/Remove Clusters

Clusters created in DCE 5.0 Container Management can be either deleted or removed. Clusters integrated into DCE 5.0 can only be removed.


If you want to delete an integrated cluster, you should delete it in the platform where it is created.

In DCE 5.0, the difference between Delete and Remove is:

  • Delete will destroy the cluster and reset the data of all nodes under the cluster. All data will be totally cleared and lost. Making a backup before deleting a cluster is a recommended best practice. You can no longer use that cluster anymore.
  • Remove just removes the cluster from DCE 5.0. It will not destroy the cluster and no data will be lost. You can still use the cluster in other platforms or re-integrate it into DCE 5.0 later if needed.


  • You should have Admin or Kpanda Owner permissions to perform delete or remove operations.
  • Before deleting a cluster, you should turn off Cluster Deletion Protection in Cluster Settings -> Advanced Settings , otherwise the Delete Cluster option will not be displayed.
  • The global service cluster cannot be deleted or removed.
  1. Enter the Container Management module, find your target cluster, click __ ...__ on the right, and select Delete cluster / Remove in the drop-down list.


  2. Enter the cluster name to confirm and click Delete .


  3. You will be auto directed to cluster lists. The status of this cluster will changed to Deleting . It may take a while to delete/remove a cluster.
